Why You Should Hire A Calligrapher For Envelope Addressing

Envelope addressing is a traditional and whimsical hand art that will set the tone for welcoming guests. The precise placement of guest names and addresses with an elegant addition of ink flourishes is difficult and time-consuming. Therefore, hiring a calligrapher to address your event or wedding invitations is essential for reducing your stress and the workload towards completing this task. Let’s be real, researching envelope addressing takes you on a whirlwind of numerous etiquette and mailing rules to follow! Can you imagine how scary this can be during a time where you have a million other things to do! To ease the envelope addressing process, here are 3 vital reasons you should hire a calligrapher to hand address your envelopes. 

Expertise in envelope addressing etiquette

As an expert in envelope-addressing etiquette, I guide clients through selecting the best layouts and organizing guests names and addresses for optimal mailing. I advise how guests names with titles or without titles should be displayed to fit your wedding tone. For example, I had a client who invited a married couple who were doctors. How do you address this couple? The Doctors? Dr. and Dr.? I provided the proper addressing title and an option that fits how my client would want to invite their guest. In addition, I know how to place complicated mailing addresses and even international mailing addresses correctly on envelopes. Overall, you can depend on a calligrapher to hand address your guests’ names and addresses perfectly on envelopes, which helps the envelopes to mail and arrive safely. 

Skills with writing on textured envelopes 

Whether you love a classic handmade paper envelope or glossy metallic envelope, these textures can be challenging to write on. How awful would it be for your writing ink to run off the envelope or even become absorbed? I would hate for such beautiful products to be wasted. As a calligrapher, I have the knowledge to know which inks are bleed and smudge proof. In addition, I have the correct tools to execute the ink onto your envelopes. Instead of spending hours researching the correct tools for envelope addressing, you can hire a calligrapher to ease the process while elevating your envelopes' unique textured envelopes. 

Less stress for you

Hiring a calligrapher to address your envelopes will free up your time and reduce the stress. Who wants looming questions such as, what if the ink smudges, or was I supposed to write out the street abbreviations? My vote is no, because you will need the least stress while preparing for your exciting and highly anticipated event. As discussed before, you can spend loads of unnecessary time researching how to address your envelopes, what inks you should use, and how to get the ink on the envelope. Let’s reduce stress and lean on a calligrapher to handle all aspects of envelope addressing. 

Hiring a calligrapher for envelope addressing will allow you to confidently mail your envelopes while relaxing before your event. As a double win, you create a personalized welcome for your guests. Are you ready to hire your calligrapher? Click the button below to book Swish Calligraphy for your envelope addressing.